A dorm is defined as a place where one goes to sleep, but a residence hall is a place that has a vibrant community where people live, 交互, 成长, 一起体验生活. In 居住生活 there are opportunities for every student to engage in college life outside of the classroom.
Res Life employs 42 student staff members who are living in the halls. These students provide extra support for the residents in the community and help uphold policy. Compensation may vary, but mostly consists of a pay 检查 each month and a private room.
Here at Georgetown College over 93% of the students live on campus. This helps develop a community that will feel like your family. It will quickly become your home away from home.
Our annual program on dating and healthy relationships is just one of many programs that are hosted by 居住生活 to get you connected with other students and engage in interesting topics.